Heat Treated
ISPM-15 Compliance for exporting using wood packaging
A new methyl bromide fumigation schedule for ISPM 15 has been approved by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM). That schedule is as follows.

When a revised schedule is adopted for treatment of WPM, WPM treated under the previous treatment schedule does not need to be retreated, remarked or recertified.
The Enforcement Committee has adopted this 24-hr fumigation schedule in the MB Program. All certified fumigators have been advised to start using the new schedule immediately; the schedule has been mandatory and enforced since September 18, 2006.
ISPM-15 Requirements
Heat Treatment (HT): Wood packaging material should be heated in a schedule that achieves a minimum core temperature of 56ºC for a minimum of 30 minutes. The American Lumber Standards Committee administers the U.S. certification program for heat treatment.
Methyl Bromide (MB) Fumigation: The wood packaging material should be fumigated with methyl bromide. NWPCA has been tasked by the U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to administer the fumigation program.
NOTE: ISPM 15 requirements apply to all species of coniferous (softwood) and non-coniferous (hardwood) packaging materials.
Heat Treated or Fumigated Pallets Update – Revised 3/1/2006
Please don’t allow this to freeze your supply chain and/or cost your organization significant dollars. Metro Plex Wood Pallets in Houston, Texas can help you with your ISPM-15 compliant pallet needs.
As reported last time this page was updated, the European Union (EU) recently voted to delay the implementation of debark requirement on import wood packaging material through December 31, 2008. Apparantly they’re going to delay this process while technical justification for changing the standards is considered in the IPPC. This will be revisited in September of 2007. The important thing to remember as our customer is:
The debarking requirement is not required internationaly currently, however the EU has lead on that this additional mandate would provide European nations better protection against the introduction of phitosanitary pests and concerns.
Several US Pallet producers have assembled the support of Harold Ford and the United States Congress and what follows is a summary of the NWPCA’s account of the support from Capitol Hill:
On November 23, 2005 Congressman Harold Ford introduced a resolution supporting NWPCA’s efforts to attempt to influence the EU commission to suspend the debarking requirement: “Expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to uilateral altering, by the European Union, of the standard for imports of certain wood products.”
Metro Plex Wood requests that anyone reading this helps support the bill by vocalizing your concerns with various members from the Committee on International Relations where the bill currently resides. Just click here: Committee on International Relations.
Countries with implementation changes since April 4, 2006:
Based on published regulations by the countries below, the following are now or soon will be enforcing ISPM 15:
Dominican Republic: July 1, 2006
Indonesia: No published date of implementation (based on their draft regulation, WPM must be debarked and a packing declaration will be required)
Nicaragua: No published date of implementation
Oman: December 2006
Summary information for countries that have begun implementation or announced plans to implement ISPM-15:
Argentina: June 1,2006
Australia: September 1, 2004 (Variations to ISPM-15: Bark-free + packing declaration for ISPM-15 compliant WPM, 21-day rule does not apply); January 1, 2006 will add wood packaging used in break bulk and air cargo to their ISPM-15 enforcement.
Bulgaria: January 24, 2006
Bolivia: July 23, 2005 (Variation: Debarked WPM)
Brazil: June 1, 2005
Canada: September 16, 2005 (Note: Phase-in implementation; exemption granted to U.S.)
Chile: June 1, 2005 (Variation: Debarked WPM)
China: January 1, 2006 (Variation: MB fumigation for softwood packaging must use the 24-hour treatment schedule. ALSO: Although not a requirement, it is highly recommended to make a statement in Chinese language on the shipping invoice “WPM are ISPM 15-compliant,” “WPM are exempt from ISPM 15” or “There is no WPM in this shipment.”)
Colombia: September 16, 2005
Costa Rica: March 19, 2006
Dominican Republic: July 1, 2006
Ecuador: September 20, 2005 (Date change: previously April 26, 2004)
Egypt: October 1, 2005
European Union: March 1, 2005
Guatemala: September 16, 2005
Honduras: February 25, 2006
India: November 1, 2004 (Variation: Phytosanitary certificate required only for WPM not ISPM-15 compliant)
Indonesia: No published date of implementation (based on their draft regulation, WPM must be debarked and a packing declaration will be required)
Japan: January 2007 (tentative date of implementation)
Jordan: November 17, 2005
Lebanon: March 26, 2006
Mexico: September 16, 2005 (Note: Phase-in implementation since January 1, 2004)
New Zealand: April 16, 2003 (Variation: Bark-free WPM)
Nicaragua: No published date of implementation
Nigeria: September 30, 2004
Oman: December 2006
Panama: Not yet enforcing ISPM 15
Paraguay: June 28, 2005
Peru: March 1, 2005
Philippines: June 1, 2005
Seychelles: March 1, 2006
South Africa: January 1, 2005 (Variation: 24-MB schedule for softwood packaging)
South Korea: June 1, 2005 (Variation: MB fumigation for softwood packaging must use the 24-hour treatment schedule.)
Switzerland: March 1, 2005
Syria: April 1, 2006
Trinidad & Tobago: September 15, 2005
Turkey: January 1, 2006 (Variation: Debarked WPM)
Ukraine: October 1, 2005
U.S.: September 16, 2005 (Note: Phase-in implementation; exemption granted to Canada — must provide import declaration that shipment derived from trees harvested in U.S. or Canada — import lumber must be ISPM-15)
Venezuela: June 1, 2005
Vietnam: June 5, 2005